Transitional Justice: In Afghanistan, justice has been sacrificed for peace. As a result, Afghanistan has achieved neither peace nor justice. At ODS, we firmly believe that justice and peace are not contradictory objectives. Instead, they compliment each other and must be simultaneously pursued to achieve a legitimate and popular peace that is sustainable. ODS focuses on context-specific transitional justice by promoting victims' inclusion in developing and implementing transitional justice mechanisms.
Local Voices in Peace Settlement: Local and victims' voices have been silenced in elitist political settlements for the sake of peace, which have thus far determined the fate of Afghanistan and four decades of an enduring cycle of conflict. In any political settlement, the rights of the ordinary Afghan people must not be compromised but protected to lead to sustainable peace.
ODS’s work in development and peacebuilding is a rights-based approach for the ordinary Afghans by promoting local engagement, and capacity-building to amplify local voices in the communities, address inequalities, and respond to the needs of the most vulnerable and isolated members of the society.